Levy Fleets FAQ Links


  • Log into the portal here
  • Atom Support
  • Zone Maintenance
  • Vehicle Status
  • Vehicle Commands 
  • RefundsBelow is a screenshot of how you can add back money to customer accounts for refunds. You will also have an opinion to refund the trip through the "Rides" tab. For this you will want to make sure the "Status" box is changed to "Ended" then click on the green trip ID to open it up. Once there, there will be a "Settings" button at the top right of the screen next to a little gear icon. Clicking that will pop up the "refund" button.Refund__2_.png
  • Taking Scooters offlineAll scooters are online 24 hours a day by default. If your hours of operation restrict when vehicles can be rented, we recommend taking them offline durring the hours they are not operational.

Steps to take scooter offline:

  1. Select all vehicles in the vehicle view 
  2. Deselect any vehicles already offline (in maintenance or otherwise)
  3. Click the  'Pencil' icon and then "Change Status"
  4. Select "Not Ready" and then Save
  5. To put the vehicles back online, you will follow the same steps except change the status from "not Ready" to "Available. 


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